Hans Holbein the Younger, a German artist active I the first half of the 16th Century, created an incredible amount of beautiful artworks for the English aristocracy and became King painter to Henry VIII.
His drawing of Ladies and Gents, sometimes resulted in paintings, like the portrait of Thomas More that is exhibited at the Frick collection in New York City. These drawings are innumerable and all stunning, beautifully executed with great economy of lines but incredibly intense and realistic appearance.
We can learn a lot from copying these works, so, join me on Tuesday…. for this 2 hour, online session of “Drawing with…”, to copy some of these masterpieces and study Holbein’s the Younger sublime technique.
Conte or cretacolor Crayon, in red earth (Sanguine or burnt sienna or venetian red, English red etc.),
charcoal pencils (General’s, medium gradation) and white chalk (also General’s),
blending stump, eraser and sharpener,
lightly toned drawing paper in tan or sand color,
you can also stain a sheet of drawing or watercolor paper with a wash or two of coffee.
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Roberto Osti teaches figure drawing and human anatomy for artists at the New York Academy of Art and the Saint Joseph University. Formally trained as a medical illustrator before becoming a fine artist, Osti has contributed his work to many science and art publications. His paintings have been exhibited in galleries in Europe and the United States. He is the author of Basic Human Anatomy (2016), an art instruction best seller and classic reference book, and Dynamic Human Anatomy (2021). His latest book , Drawing the Body has been released in December 2024.