It’s Alive! Block Figures in Movement
Wednesday, 08/31/2022 - 08/31/2022
6:00 PM - 8:30 PM EST
Number of Lessons: 1
In this session, we will infuse life to the block figures making them move and interact with other block (or stereometric) figures. We will start with a quick review of the typical proportions of the male and female human figure rendered stereometrically as basic geometric volumes, and then we will start drawing them in movement, foreshortening, from imagination, or using photographic references as inspiration. We will also practice composition and narrative, drawing a few figures in interaction.
This method, invented 600 years ago, it is still valid and in fact widely used by artists and illustrators, to study the basic proportions of the human figure or to created thumbnails where light, composition and narrative can be studied. Don’t let the word Stereometry intimidate you, it just means block figures!
Drawing paper of decent quality, such as Strathmore Drawing, in any finish (medium, vellum or plate), you don’t need to use expensive paper but it is best if you don’t use newsprint paper.
Graphite pencils in B-2B gradations, a few of colored pencils in brown, red earth and dark blue.
Erasers and pencil sharpener. That’s it!
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