Block figures: The Whole Thing!
Monday, 10/03/2022 - 11/07/2022
9:30 AM - 12:30 PM EST
Number of Lessons: 6
Drawing the human body as main volumes, or more technically stereometric volumes, is a method that was developed about 500 years ago and it has been used and further developed since, by figurative artists.
This very efficient method, is based on reducing the body to its essential volumes, permitting the artist to capture more efficiently and easily its proportions, poses, movement.
The “Blocks” figures obtained with this method, can then be further developed in a realistic way, adding the organic forms of the body and tonal rendering, as I will demonstrate with many demos during the six lessons of this course.
In this essential foundation course, we will explore the stereometric proportions of the male and female figures in front, back and side view.
We will also create many stereometric renderings of the human figure in a variety of poses and compositions, figures in movement and in foreshortening, working from imagination, and from photographic references.
We will finally add the external forms to the stereometric figures, obtaining realistic renderings of the human body.
This course can also be seen as the first introductory step to the study of the Human Anatomy. It also great way to review the anatomical structure of the body, for those of you that already have taken courses on Anatomy.
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