
Watercolor Landscape, the Colors of Summer cod 272

Summer’s heat and pulsions of vanderlust , are accompanied by a generous palette of vibrant, glorious colors that triggers in artists a chromatic fit and an excuse to raid the art store searching for colors that can keep up with Summer’s glorious blue skies, for the pigments to paint the infinite hues of green of forested hill, or those to capture the reflections of a refreshing mountain stream.

In the 6 sessions of this online watercolor course, we will enjoy exploring a great variety of chromatic possibilities as we paint watercolor landscapes from photographic references that I will provide.  These images are copyright free and you will be able to enter your artworks in art shows and competitions.


During each 3-our painting session, we will create watercolor landscape paintings going through a variety of steps that will help you to further develop your painting skills. We will start each painting session by preparing a variety of small, quick studies, to decide composition, color palette to use and the painting approach. These studies will be then followed by a larger size and more detailed final painting.

We will practice methods and techniques aimed to improve your technical skills, obtain clean and vibrant colors, paint more efficiently and confidently. These skills will be particularly useful when working outdoors, for both quick or extended sessions.

We will also study the style of master colorists, such as Wyeth, Sargent, Hopper, Turner, to name a few: a great way to explore and promote creativity and develop our individual technique and personal artistic voice.


  • Paint: cadmium red medium, alizarine crimson, cadmium yellow lemon, cadmium yellow medium, earth red, (Indian red, Venetian red or burnt Sienna) yellow ochre, ultramarine blue, ultramarine violet, black, burnt umber, sepia, cobalt blue, cobalt violet, sap green, Hooker’s green, and any other colors you might already have
  • Paper: a pad (12” by 16” or so of cold press paper.
  • Brushes: #2 and #8 or 10, round. You can use synthetic or natural sables (Kolinsky or red sable), a flat, synthetic brush, about ¾ “will do.
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Availability of Courses' Recordings

As part of the services offered by the New Renaissance Atelier, you will have access to the recordings of the video sessions of all the courses you purchased for one year.
You will find the links to the videos in your Personal Video Library that has been set up specifically for you. Please keep this Video library link on your desktop or in your browser for easy access.

In case You missed a course You are interested in, You can purchase the recording of the video sessions, by clicking on the menu above

roberto osti
roberto osti
Roberto Osti teaches figure drawing and human anatomy for artists at the New York Academy of Art and the Saint Joseph University. Formally trained as a medical illustrator before becoming a fine artist, Osti has contributed his work to many science and art publications. His paintings have been exhibited in galleries in Europe and the United States. He is the author of Basic Human Anatomy (2016), an art instruction best seller and classic reference book, and Dynamic Human Anatomy (2021). His latest book , Drawing the Body has been released in December 2024.
Watercolor Landscape, the Colors of Summer cod 272
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