
The Many Forms of Nature May 2024 cod 269

Think of this 4-sessions online course, as a voyage of exploration of the natural world with the help of watercolors.

When observed carefully, the many forms that Nature can offer can give us access to a hidden world of aesthetic inspiration and wonder: vibrant colors, geometric patterns, ratios and harmonious proportions: all these things and many more, can be found in dazzling colors of a flower’s petals, In the gleaming spiraling of a shell, the forms and colors of fruits and vegetables the glimmering chroma of a fish’s scales: all these, and more, will be subjects explored and painted in this online, five-three hour sessions course dedicated to the beautiful, infinite and inspiring forms of Nature, you can’t miss it!


  • Paint: cadmium red medium, alizarine crimson, Opera rose or permanent rose, cadmium yellow lemon, cadmium yellow medium, earth red, (Indian red, Venetian red or burnt Sienna) yellow ochre, ultramarine blue, cobalt blue, ultramarine violet, cobalt violet, black, burnt umber, sepia, sap green, Hooker’s green, chromium green, and any other colors you might already have
  • Paper: a pad (12” by 16” or so of cold press paper.
  • Brushes: #2 and #8 or 10, round. You can use synthetic or natural sables (Kolinsky or red sable), a flat, synthetic brush, about ¾ “will do.
  • Graphite pencils in B-2B gradations, kneader eraser, pencil sharpener
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Availability of Courses' Recordings

As part of the services offered by the New Renaissance Atelier, you will have access to the recordings of the video sessions of all the courses you purchased for one year.
You will find the links to the videos in your Personal Video Library that has been set up specifically for you. Please keep this Video library link on your desktop or in your browser for easy access.

In case You missed a course You are interested in, You can purchase the recording of the video sessions, by clicking on the menu above

roberto osti
roberto osti
Roberto Osti teaches figure drawing and human anatomy for artists at the New York Academy of Art and the Saint Joseph University. Formally trained as a medical illustrator before becoming a fine artist, Osti has contributed his work to many science and art publications. His paintings have been exhibited in galleries in Europe and the United States. He is the author of Basic Human Anatomy (2016), an art instruction best seller and classic reference book, and Dynamic Human Anatomy (2021). His latest book , Drawing the Body has been released in December 2024.
The Many Forms of Nature May 2024 cod 269
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