
The Fragrance of Spring: Flowers in Watercolor

Get ready for Spring, by practicing painting a variety of flowers with this online watercolor course.

This 6 sessions course is dedicated to explore the beautiful world of flowers in watercolor. During the 3-hour duration of each session, we will be painting a variety floral subjects, both as single flower or as a still life composition, using photographic references I will provide, or copying botanical artworks from artists of the past to appreciate different styles and practice a variety of techniques.

The reference photographic images are my own, so the artwork you will create will be original and copyright free, making it possible for you to enter these artworks in competitions and shows.


You can use any colors that you already have. The following is a list of pigments you might find useful to paint this subject, during the first class we will be discussing what colors from this list you might want to buy in case you need them.

Paint: Cadmium yellow lemon or lemon yellow; cadmium yellow medium; indian yellow; cadmium orange; vermillion; cadmium red medium; alizarine crimson; opera rose; Winsor violet; cobalt violet,; cobalt blue; ultramarine blue; thalo, phthalo or phthalocyanine blue (it’s the same color with many names); sap green,; Hooker’s green; Viridian; chromium oxide green; yellow ochre; raw sienna; burnt sienna; black.

Brushes: A round, synthetic or Kolinsky watercolor brush, # 8 or so. A round, synthetic or Kolinsky watercolor brush, # 2 or so. A flat, synthetic watercolor brush, about ½”

Paper: A pad or a few single sheets of cold press watercolor paper. The pad can be about 10 by 14 or so, you can cut the single sheet to the desired size. Good brands are Arches, Winsor and Newton, Fabriano, Saunders Waterford. You can also use any paper you like and you are used to.

Other tools: Pencil in B or HB gradation, kneaded erasers, a mixing palette, containers for water and, very important, paper towels.

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Availability of Courses' Recordings

As part of the services offered by the New Renaissance Atelier, you will have access to the recordings of the video sessions of all the courses you purchased for one year.
You will find the links to the videos in your Personal Video Library that has been set up specifically for you. Please keep this Video library link on your desktop or in your browser for easy access.

In case You missed a course You are interested in, You can purchase the recording of the video sessions, by clicking on the menu above

roberto osti
roberto osti
Roberto Osti teaches figure drawing and human anatomy for artists at the New York Academy of Art and the Saint Joseph University. Formally trained as a medical illustrator before becoming a fine artist, Osti has contributed his work to many science and art publications. His paintings have been exhibited in galleries in Europe and the United States. He is the author of Basic Human Anatomy (2016), an art instruction best seller and classic reference book, and Dynamic Human Anatomy (2021). His latest book , Drawing the Body has been released in December 2024.
The Fragrance of Spring: Flowers in Watercolor cod.260
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