Oil Painting Foundation
Thursday, 04/28/2022 - 06/02/2022
9:30 AM - 12:30 PM EST
Number of Lessons: 6
The new Foundation Program I started in January, has been well received, and the drawing and watercolor foundation courses are well attended. I am excited to announce the last addition to this program: Oil Painting Foundation.
Like the other two foundation courses, this one also deals with the fundamental aspects of a given technique, starting from the very beginning. This course is aimed at the students that are approaching this rich technique for the first time or those that already have some experience with oil painting but want to review techniques and materials and refine their painting style.
In this six-three hour sessions course, the students will be painting a variety of still lives and performing specific exercises, to master a variety of topics, such as:
proper consistency of the paint, alla prima painting, indirect painting, wipe-out technique, proper paint blending, and more. Other subjects discussed will include materials, basic colors palette, color theory, mediums,
As per the other foundation courses, this too will be followed by gradually more advanced courses.
Oil paint: alizarine crimson, ultramarine blue, lemon yellow, cadmium red medium, cobalt blue, cadmium yellow medium, yellow ochre, raw umber, burnt sienna, burnt umber, black, titanium white.
Call me if you already have a selection of oil paint and want to discuss if you need to buy more or if the colors you have can be good, in case some differ from those on my list.
Brushes: we can start with Filbert brushes, hog or synthetic, #4, #6, #10 and a round brush #4. A 3” or so flat brush, hog or synthetic.
Canvas: we can start with Canvas Board panels, a couple of size 9” by 12”, and a couple of size 11 by 14.
Solvent: a can (bottle) of Turpenoid or Gamsol
Medium: a small bottle of Galkid (by Gamblin) or Liquin (by Winsor and Newton), a small bottle of lined oil.
Other materials: A wood or plastic palette, (you can also use disposable oil paint paper palettes) cotton rags or paper towels, a can of Artguard (by Winsor and Newton), this is a protective cream that you apply to your hands before starting the painting session, it will prevent your skin from absorbing noxious substances and it will make cleaning your hands and the end of the painting session much faster.
We will discuss more materials in class.
As part of the services offered by the New Renaissance Atelier, you will have access to the recordings of the video sessions of all the courses you purchased for one year.
You will find the links to the videos in your Personal Video Library that has been set up specifically for you.
Please keep this Video library link on your desktop or in your browser for easy access.
In case You missed a course You are interested in, You can purchase the recording of the video sessions, by clicking on the menu above