From Blocks Figures to Muscles: a Figure Drawing Foundation
Wednesday, 01/18/2023 - 02/22/2023
9:30 AM - 12:30 PM EST
Number of Lessons: 6
In this third course dedicated to the stereometric rendering of the volumes of the human body, we will systematically add to the basic blocks of the stereometric volumes, the forms of the external muscles, creating essential reference charts of the front, back and side view of the human figure. We will then create a good number of drawings of figures in different poses, at rest, in movement, in foreshortening, using reference images or from imagination, rendering the body at first as basic blocks, and gradually adding the main muscular volumes.
This Figure Drawing Foundation course is essential link between Stereometry and Figure Anatomy and will permit you to “read” and better interpret the human figure, improving your Figure Drawing skills.
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