ODS #44... The Foreshortened Figure Encore
Friday, 06/02/2023 - 06/02/2023
6:00 PM - 8:30 PM EST
Number of Lessons: 1
Last week’s Open Drawing Session dedicated to drawing the foreshortened figure was well received by the participants, so I decided to offering a second session dedicated to the same topic. You don’t need to have taken the first session to sign up for this one.
Understanding how to draw the foreshortened figure can give us access to a whole new level of creative possibilities and stimulate our artistic endeavor.
Drawing the figure in foreshortening is also not very difficult, once we know how to approach it.
During the 2:30 hours of this online drawing session, I will demonstrate the method that will make drawing the figure in poses from unusual angles, accessible and intuitive.
You will be drawing along with me as I demonstrate how to reduce the figure to basic solids to better understand its volumetric characteristics. We will also create realistic drawings copying from master figure drawings from photos, and from imagination, taking inspiration from artworks by Carracci, Goltzius, Cadmus.
As part of the services offered by the New Renaissance Atelier, you will have access to the recordings of the video sessions of all the courses you purchased for one year.
You will find the links to the videos in your Personal Video Library that has been set up specifically for you.
Please keep this Video library link on your desktop or in your browser for easy access.
In case You missed a course You are interested in, You can purchase the recording of the video sessions, by clicking on the menu above