A full immersion Portrait and Art watching Workshop January 3-11, 2025

This New Renaissance Atelier Workshop, is dedicated to portraiture in studio with models and visiting many of the Museums and archeological sites that Rome has to offer.
Rome is the perfect place for a portraiture workshop : the 4-hour morning sessions will be dedicated to drawing or painting models from life, practicing a variety of techniques, studying structure and  proportions of the head and face, the proper positioning of the facial features, practicing measuring, tonal rendering, foreshortening, color mixing. The students can work in the medium of their choice: oil, watercolor, charcoal, graphite, pen and ink….
The afternoons will be dedicated to visiting museums where works by some of the greatest and most famous masterpieces are exhibited: paintings and sculptures created in antiquity by Classic and Hellenistic masters or produced during the Renaissance and Baroque periods by artists such as Michelangelo, Bernini, Caravaggio, will be our source of learning and inspiration. The visits to the museums and archeological sites will also be a great occasion to collect images of artwork to assemble a personal archive of reference images for artworks or inspiration.

Weather permitting, we will try to sneak in also some urban or landscape sketching during the fields trips.

Why go to Rome during the Winter?

The number of artworks, museums and archeological sites that can be found in Rome is staggering, each museum contains works by some of the greatest masters that ever lived. In fact, the whole city of Rome can be considered a museum, making it fun to explore the city, walking from the Pantheon, one of the best preserved of all the ancient Roman buildings, where the tomb of Raphael can be found, to Piazza Navona, where one can admire the works of two masters of the Baroque period: Bernini’s Fountain of Rivers and Borromini’s church of Santa Agnese in Agone. Or do the Caravaggio tour, visiting the three churches where some of the best and most famous Caravaggio’s paintings can be found. But Rome is very hot and crowded in the Summer, making it harder to walk around and lingering in front of that painting that we always wanted to see from life.
Rome in Winter is a different, very enjoyable experience: the number of tourists is much smaller, museums and sites that are usually very crowded during the Summer season, have a very limited number of visitors during the Winter.

Join me, from January 3 to 11, 2025 for this intensive Portrait and Art History workshop in Rome, enjoying art, food and the company of other fellow artists.






I would like to invite you to register for this trip, clicking on the button that you can find on the left. After you registered, I will send you an email message asking you to pay a $200 deposit, to book your spot.